duminică, 18 august 2019

Mad Men…and Women

Mad Men…and Women

I am a very young man.
However, I have met already plenty of Mad Men – not just those from the brilliant series – and quite a few deranged women.

We were talking about that this morning…in the Jacuzzi…where else.

As I cycled on my way home, I was again nearly reversed by a few crazy drivers.
Indeed, a stupid fucker was not just satisfied with coming close to my precious, but mortal self,, as he was entering the main National Road number 1 aka DN1A, from the side and thus he had to allow for priority for traffic already on the main road, such as yours truly.

Oh, no! As Shakespeare says in one of his divine sonnets – ‘Let me not to the marriage of true minds, admit impediments’

The idiot, who was driving a Jaguar and hence thought he is the king of the road, even if he probably begged or did other disgusting things in the west for it, started banging his horn…

What do you want?…says I
Look where you’re going
What do you mean?
This is the road…
Yes and I am where I should be…you better watch what you’re doing for you clearly have no idea
‘These is for cars’ the cretin had no idea of basic grammar rules, using singular where the plural is required …’aici e masini’
Furthermore, he insisted on giving lessons, he would not drive on and mind his business.

Granted, I tend to look for trouble, with a short fuse, it is very often that I resort to fuck you and many, most or all members of the family, albeit the others may be innocent.
Doubtful, but possible.

I was thinking after this Close Encounter of the Third Kind…that this manelist thinks he is the crème de la crème with his Jaguar.
Instead, I am the cool, ‘civilized’ figure, leaving aside the fuck you, goddamn and all the rest.

In the Economist, the other day, there was an article about how cities in the west replace car parks and features related to cars with amenities for bikes.
I hope to survive and see at least a modest change here, the day when no imbecile would drive close with his car, truck or whatever, just because he feels bikes are not for the road, they must be abolished and everything else done to ensure that they get away like headless chicken and stop at the voting booth and elect Trump, the Red Plague here and other morons in various places.

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