marți, 3 decembrie 2019

Happy birthday Madi!

Happy birthday Madi!

Very often I think that we could not be any different, my sister and I, given that she has been so resilient, serious, helping people get better as a doctor of medicine, while her brother wastes his time – as his spouse keeps highlighting – with bogus activities such as scribbling for no good purpose, on a daily basis, without any impact whatsoever – granted, instead of arguing with the spouse, it is probably better to vent frustrations, envy and whatever here…

Speaking of envy…this might have been a feeling directed at the sister that has done so much better, as a resident of Chicago, mother of a boy that loves and agrees with her – mostly, I guess – in a marriage that cannot be as conflictual as the one we have –still? – here, in a job that by definition offers meaning, a sense of fulfilment and achievement, even when surely there are patients that make one lose temper, patience and so much more…probably…no, surely.
This has been the case until recently, envy being a strong word and not appropriate for apart from the aforementioned, we can and do envisage how difficult it is to answer calls in the middle of the night, be on duty on holidays, nights when the undersigned is sleeping with the phone shut down.

Indeed, the history of Coming to America is the story of such a difficult quest and journey as to make it seem like Dante’s Purgatory, with that goddamn scoundrel who had stolen money from her and Johnny – together with a few other doctors – when he made them work for months – was it a whole year? – And at the end just said that he would not pay anything!
If we look at that saga and the years of learning, hardship, the envy that one could feel – ‘I want to live in America! Everything’s fine in America’ just like in the West Side Story – turns into empathy, because it was so damn hard, that I am thinking I would have never been able to come anywhere close to that effort…

In fact, I have tried to get my own ticket to the Land of the Free (and the Orange Idiot today), through the company I have worked with in 1996, at the time of the Olympics and some years before that, AT&T, but I just asked a few people and when the answer was no, I said fine…
True, now that the bible belt, Deep South, many tens of millions of cretins have voted with a clown and a crook, the United States do not seem all that attractive anymore, although Madi lives in a blue state, Alhamdulillah, and she is not a supporter, on the contrary, she is also upset by the leader they have…

On that level, this country here is many times better, although considerably poorer and decades behind America in so many ways, we have a president, Johannis that is worth more than 100 trumps…

This was not exactly the gratitude letter intended in the opening, but that is how this brain tends to work – or to quote the spouse, the way it malfunctions permanently – and digressing from one to the other, trump has to be touched in passing at least, because he seems to be the most abhorrent mystery of the age – how is it possible for the Modern World to have such a creature in charge…

Happy birthday Madi and I hope you survive another four years, if the fans of the buffoon reelect him next year…

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