miercuri, 25 septembrie 2019

When the shit hits the fan, “I am a river to my people’

When the shit hits the fan, “I am a river to my people’

We meet some gruesome figures in this health club of hours and this is a carnival of the extremes.

On the one hand, there is this plastic woman, that has had surgery over all the face and presumably all the rest of her body, who comes for some group thing hour – in fact I know the name of the class, but I better watch…she can bury me with her money…judicially, if not literally…and she can do that also with the many millions she has.
She drives an SUV of one of the most expensive cars in the world; let us Rolls Royce, although it might be one of the other models, but in the same money segment.

I was wondering why on earth is she coming here, when she can build a whole arena – maybe, probably she has one at the mansion cu palace – and have a whole team of instructors, an army actually to come and all sing and dance for her…modesty?
Not likely

See, if she drives that SUV, with a price tag of maybe in excess of half a million dollars, there is no humility…is there?

Then there is this other rich individual, but he has to have a separate, if not five or ten chapters, because in this case we interact quite often, whereas for the rich owner of a network of private medical clinics and possibly a few hospitals…I have never talked to her.

The point is that this is a…shitty place!

Yesterday, as I tried to use the rest room, big pieces of faeces were hanging on the covers, very possibly in many other places – I have not stopped to search or even look for more than two seconds I guess.

To top this off, a different gentleman – this is the male locker room, maybe we should add evidently – has dirtied a sink near the sauna, where he had cut his beard – although on a different day I had seen a football player gardening his bollocks and surrounding area – and left a massive pile of hair, dirt and water blocked in there.
I told one of the nice women, who has a position of authority in the cleaning department and she called the janitor and told him about the problems downstairs.

Nonetheless, the individual took more than two hours, maybe three, to fix the problem and when he did, it became something like bathroom humor, or maybe just a short horror scene.
I was about to get ready to leave for my boys at home – the two macaws, Puccini and Balzac – and had to move back and forth, to the shower, to ready my swimming suit for the bag…

The janitor was throwing buckets – maybe just one? – Of water at the installation covered with excrement.
Alas, the water that had shit in it was then moved around with his T stick towards the next hole, near the showers, but ten meters away…

With other clients – if they passed at the moment…I was too concerned with what was going on to notice other sailors through the river of shit – we would have to navigate the polluted waters that flowed through the locker room…well, a big section of it…

Swamped by shit?

I was talking with someone and we came to a somewhat harsh disagreement, although we generally agree on most things- so far nonetheless – over the matter and I was thinking that the client who left that horrible, disgusting present- and others like him- might make life very hard for all.
Employees conclude:

Fuck these bastards…look how shitty they are!
And then the rest of the clients bear the consequences…’even to the edge of doom’

Saunas and almost everything else stop working at various moments – frequent moments I should say.
Moreover, the joke earlier today was…

Maybe we are stupid to think of multiple reasons for that…software, investment, water on the stove of the sauna…

What the employees probably do is just say that they are going to turn on the machines, when they provide no heat, vapor or whatever, and then do nothing or worse…

You damn idiots…you want the sauna working…well, wait for The Doomsday Machine…

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