sâmbătă, 28 septembrie 2019

Planet Class Gazette

Planet Class Gazette

I was thinking that, given the multitude of earth shattering events that take place at our health club, I should start printing a newspaper or magazine...well, printed is not the right word, but this is a joke and as such, it already happens...in digital form, there is gossip, innuendo, fore play, everything here.

I left unaddressed the talk with that former top spy.
He said that the Ukraine is an artificial state...the Russians would be exalted to hear how their propaganda machine is working, even with people who should better...much better.

Anyway,I heard something else,of much greater consequence...
Forget the war with Russia!

There was a little war at the club.
One client seems to have been excluded and we do not know why.

It is also very odd, given that saunas do not work, for most of the time, the temperature is at least inadequate, often unacceptable.
As for the hammam...it only works with...paper!

That is, one has to get some paper, wet it with cold water and then you stand a chance of kicking the sensor into action and evrika...you have some steam.

Earlier today, it did not work though, as it happens.

True, there is a vicious circle...perhaps a few.
Customers act with flagrant insolence, 'defekte' manners, destructive aggression and then we all pay.

Many visitors brazenly break the rules, jump into the outside pool when it's closed, repeatedly, leave shit - I mean literally- all over the toilet, break the stove, insult, the list is long.

Thus, employees get disgusted, annoyed and end of saying:

Fuck you clients, if this is what you are...Australopithecus erectus

And the reverse is true.

When clients find that quite a few main facilities are not working, they act with viciousness or carelessness.

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